
問題 : 假設你在處理發音。漢語中,miàn ‘面’及 kàn ‘看’等詞的 an 唸法不同。請蒐集相關漢字,寫出完整音變的規則

整理 :

1. 韻母發"ian" : 麵(mian)、建(jian)、縣(xian)、變(bian)、欠(qian)
2. 韻母發"an" : 看(kan)、站(zhan)、善(shan)、漫(man)、半(ban)

說明 :

1. 韻母發"an"的字,如 : 看、站...等等,其讀音近似[an];而"ian"的字,如 : 麵、建...等等,其讀音近似[iɛn]

2. 參考維基百科的"Chinese (Mandarin)/Pronunciation of Finals" 條目中有提到,韻母"an",其IPA音標為[an],"starts with plain continental [a]"

3. [an]以及[i̯ɛn]是不同的韻母,所以可以發現在中文字中在"ㄢ"韻之前有"ㄧ"的話,就會發生如這種變音情形


問題 : 利用 FSA 來模擬上述音變,你的 FSA 要能夠辨視、產出正確的發音。(在此,以文字符號代表真正發音)

Finite State Automata


問題1 : 英文中的關係代名詞(包含關係代名詞為主詞及受詞兩種情形)

問題2 : 受詞子句重覆包孕,如:I know that he is smart. He thinks that I know that he is smart. She believes that he thinks that I know that he is smart....

問題3 : Recursive nominal modification, e.g. a student in blue jeans, a student in blue jeans with long hair, a student in blue jeans with long hair on campus...

 1. 以下範例的FST可以判斷該範例句子的關係代名詞who為主格"who",或為受格"whom"  展開圖片

測試 :
  1. The girl ____ called you is my friend Click

  2. The girl ____ you called is my friend Click

 2. 判斷問題2之句型"

Click a. pronoun verb pronoun pronoun verb adjective

Click b. pronoun verb pronoun pronoun verb pronoun pronoun verb adjective

Click c. pronoun verb pronoun pronoun verb pronoun pronoun verb pronoun pronoun verb adjective

 3. 判斷問題3之句型"

Click a. article noun preposition adjective noun

Click b. article noun preposition adjective noun preposition adjective noun

Click c. article noun preposition adjective noun preposition adjective noun preposition noun

 4. 補充 : 詞性查詢
