Question 1

  • John put a book on the table.

  • John put a book on the table in the classroom.

  • John put a book on the table in the classroom in the science building.

  • John put a book on the table in the classroom in the science building on campus.

Question 2

  • John read a book.

  • John read a book that the famous writer wrote.

  • John read a book that the famous writer that many students liked wrote.

  • John read a book that the famous writer that many students that my superviser taught liked wrote.

  • John read a book that the famous writer that many students that my superviser that many colleagues respected taught liked wrote.

Question 3

  • John knows that he is very smart.

  • Mary thinks that John knows that he is very smart.

  • Sue believes that Mary thinks that John knows that he is very smart.

  • Sam realizes that Sue believes that Mary thinks that John knows that he is smart.